Friday, September 28, 2012

Heading out of KAF to final destination: Bittersweet

KAF as I have said is not the place I EVER want to be for any length of time.  It is a dirty congested “city”.  We were there for about 2 days and we were none too glad to leave.  It was bittersweet though as we had to part ways with our sister detachment, FOB TK. They left out first in a big group.  It was definitely sad to see them go but knew that they were heading out to do what they came here for.  We (FOB Lagman crew) got to go out piecemeal.  I went out first with my SEL and two other key members and we got to fly out with DUSTOFF on their Blackhawks.  Very neat ride!  Pics show my TK battlebuddy, a truly awesome individual and OIC of the TK group. Second pic is on our flight out to FOB Lagman in the paired DUSTOFF Blackhawks.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you Steve - be safe. Great pix, thanks for keeping up. Makes my life here seem positively trivial - when I think about feeling sorry for myself about how hard life is, I'll just remember you and your group over there.
    Your buddy
